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Interview Success Success often (example) on your performance at an interview. For those who are well prepared, it can be positive (1) but for others it can be a terrifying time. Love them or hate them, though, your (2) prospects are largely dependent on your interview (3) It’s not unusual for a company to have fifty or sixty applicants for a job, so if you are asked to (4) an interview, you are a serious contender being seriously considered for the post. Usually companies give you at least a day’s (5) of an interview, so use that time to prepare yourself well. Read through the job (6) and any other information sent to you, and (7) ____ answers to as many questions as you can think of. At the interview, try to present a “pleasant” version of yourself. You need to (8) the employer that you can do the job, but you mustn’t (9) over-confident. Being pleasant, however, doesn’t mean that you should agree with everything that the interviewer says. Most companies want to (10) someone with his or her own opinions. It’s also important to make (11) that you really listen to what is being asked. In your preparation you will have rehearsed answers to a number of imaginary questions, but you must tailor your response to (12) the question. It’s worthwhile spending a few moments after the interview analyzing your (13) . You can do this best before you know the (14) What aspects of the interview went well? What do you need to (15) ? What would you do differently next time?

  • A.performance
  • B.production
  • C.management
  • D.transaction


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